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Introduction To Autosar

why Autosar?

  1. used by automotive companies as a standard architecture and deployed on most cars

  2. startedin 2003 as a mature Software from previous experiences of car manufacturers

  3. excellent way to understand SW Design

  4. can use the same concepts in other fields

  5. a must known skill for any embedded SW engineer

the 4 Reasons for Existence

a glimpse of history

Autosar slogans

Autosar Config & integration Roles

  1. Basic Pre-Configuration & Integration Role
    this stage makes sure that each module is working in a very basic senario without applying customer app just to test module is working but not testing it’s integrability or deep bugs found on level of integration

  2. Basic SW configuration & integration Role
    in this role you exposed to :

    SWS (Software Specifications) : talks about apis in software detailes specs and its params we need to look at it to understand how to implement a certain stack

    SRS (Software Requirement Specifications) : pure english document talks about specs of functions and have redundent informations

  3. Basic SW integration Testing Role
    this role involve a dummy data inputed to a certain module to make sure it is behaves good with other modules without any bugs

  4. Debugging & Issues Resolving Role
    this role involve real time testing and maintenance issues that is need to be debugged to find a real world bug or a real time bug after manifacturing to provide a software update of to find a hardware problem to solve in new versions of that ECU

  5. RTE generation Role
    the one who generate the RTE and use the main software and runs the code on real time enviroment to check working real world behavior ,such as model based design and just connect things properly to get working application

Autosar Development Roles

Other Roles


before the 5th why you will know the reason of a problem