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Merge Sort

Merge sort is a sorting technique based on divide and conquer technique. Merge sort first divides the array into equal halves and then combines them in a sorted manner.

worst time Complexity = Ο(n log n)

we divide the list into two parts iteratively till we reach the union part which is not dividable then merge them after comparisons into new sorted smaller list

algorithms steps

from these steps we notice that there is two functions Divide recursively(iteratively) and merge parts with sorting operation

Divide Algorithm

    if len =1: 
        return x
    mid = len/2;
    l1 = divide(arr,mid);
    l2 = divide(arr+mid,len-mid);

    return merge(l1,l2);

merge algorithms ascendingly

    i,j,cur = 0;
    l3 = [];
    while (i < l1_len && j < l2_len){
        if(l1[i] < l2[j]){
            l3[cur++] = l1[i++]
            l3[cur++] = l2[j++]
    while (i < l1_len ) l3[cur++] = l1[i++]
    while (j < l2_len) l3[cur++] = l2[j++]

    return l3;

Time Complexity O(n log(n))
Space Complexity O(n)